2017 ACLU of Washington Annual Report
In years past, the ACLU-WA annual reports would highlight the organization's accomplishments, pat itself on the back, and explain to donors why it's important to continue donating money to the ACLU.
This year we changed that. I pushed to focus on what really matters in our work; the people. People are why the ACLU fights day in and day out for civil liberties, the fundamental rights we are guaranteed by our government. These people had stories to tell. Our clients, our members, our volunteers, our employees, our supporters, our people all have different reasons to support the ACLU and this annual report explores that.
A small block of text found with each story ties back to the accomplishments of the last year as a way of showing our donors that their money went to good use. The photos highlight the actual people and diminish any potential any alienating and anonymous disconnection for readers.
I was responsible for art direction & layout design. Photography by the great David Jaewon Oh.